5 Sweet Sauces To Pair Your Deep Fried Oreos & Twinkies With


Deep Fried Oreos

Deep fried Oreos might be one of life’s greatest pleasures. Here are five sauces to flavor your Oreo cookies & deep fried Twinkies with for dipping purposes.

If you’ve ever dipped an Oreo in milk, you probably know that it can get pretty messy and the Oreo starts disintegrating almost immediately. Not only do the outsides start melting as you try to scoop up the last bite but as soon as those chocolate wafer outer layers break down there is nothing holding the filling inside intact. It’s time consuming and not altogether pleasant. That being said, if you tried deep frying those suckers they’d come out crispy on the outside and molten on the inside and incredibly delicious.

Might as well make some dipping sauces while we already have the fryer out. Check out these five options and decide which one you want to try with deep-fried Oreos and deep-fried Twinkies:

1. Nutella

You can’t go wrong with chocolate hazelnut deliciousness. If you’re looking for a sweet sauce, this is your best be or maybe it’s just my favorite? You might just leave behind a trail of melted Nutella on your plate, but that’s okay because people will be throwing themselves at you for more anyway. 

2. Marshmallow Fluff

Marshmallows + hot oil = yum. Dip the deep fried Oreos in the fluff before you fry them and you’ll end up with a crispy shell, but mostly gooey inside (which is what we want). A nice salty, sweet sauce will make your mouth happy. Plus it’s like eating homemade deep-fried s’mores. What could be wrong with that?

3. Maple Syrup

Just how Canadian are you? If you love maple syrup then this one’s for you! Get your teapot out and whip up some batter to coat your Oreos in before frying them up for an authentic maple taste experience–preferably with ice cream or fresh off the apple fritter tree.

4. Vanilla Caramel Sauce

If you’re looking for a light sauce that doesn’t overwhelm the Oreo & Twinkie flavor, try this one out. You can find pre-made vanilla caramel in most grocery stores these days–just make sure you get something good quality and go with a chocolate version if you can find it (it’ll be worth it). If not, making your own is easy too! Just heat up some cream and dump in sugar to taste from there. 

5. Dulce de Leche

With a rich, creamy flavor similar to caramel but a touch sweeter, dulce de leche will pair beautifully with Oreos and deep fried Twinkies. This sauce is sold in almost every supermarket nowadays under brands like La Lechera. If you crave something different, try mixing it with condensed milk and see what happens!


In case you don’t feel like making any of these or simply don’t have the time, there’s always honey. Just heat up some regular ol’ honey and drop those fried Oreo bad boys in to coat them in sticky sweet goodness that will have your friends going wild.

Deep fried Oreos and deep fried Twinkies are awesome because they’re awesome period. You can take just about anything you want to dunk in a deep fryer and deep fry it, but it doesn’t mean it’ll be awesome. These recipe ideas might take a little extra work when compared to the simplicity of milk and cookies, but I promise they’ll be worth it when you get done! Use these recipes when you want something a little different, for your next party or family gathering, or just because you love to eat deep fried Oreos.

Make these bad boys about once a week and they’ll be gone before you know it! If you’re still hungry after the first time around I’ve got some more great deep-fried suggestions in our next blog. 


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