Make Gooey, Golden Goodness At Home — Deep Fried Twinkies

Deep-fried Twinkies are tiny, golden cakes made from cornmeal, wheat flour, eggs, sugar, baking powder and enriched with high fructose corn syrup. They are dipped in batter and fried to a light crisp.

A deep fried Twinkies is typically injected with cream filling prior to being fried. Some varieties also have other creamy fillings or additional chocolate sauce added afterwards for flavor enhancement. Deep fried Twinkies were invented by David Dalquist, who first introduced them at the Minnesota State Fair . They were initially called “Tiger tails”, but people kept calling them “Twinkies”. He later changed the name to ‘Twinkies’. The official version of the story claims that he did so after seeing a neon sign for a liquor store near his factory that said “Twinkle Toes” on it.

In more recent years, some companies started producing deep fried Twinkies commercially and selling them in convenience stores. They are also served at many fast-food chains such as White Castle, Denny’s and Jack in the Box.

Ingredients To Make Twinkies At Home

  • Twinkies Mix
  • Water
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Frozen Twinkies
  • Powdered Sugar

Step By Step Process

  1. Combine ingredients such as Twinkies mix and water in a bowl and stir well. Make a well in the center of the mixture. Stir quickly until smooth.
  2. Heat oil on medium high heat in a deep pan or deep fryer. When oil is hot enough, pour mixture into/fryer (amounts above) and cook until golden brown. When done, drain on paper towels or clean tea towels (be careful of oil splatters).
  3. Dip each Twinkies cake into the mixture and set aside for a moment to allow excess to drip off, then place on a wax-paper lined baking sheet.
  4. Heat oil as above and fry as many as you can fit in your pan at one time without overcrowding. Turn them after 2 minutes so all sides are browned evenly. Drain on paper towels or clean dish cloth as before.
  5. Once they have cooled to room temperature, store in a zip top bag or airtight container. Do not refrigerate.
  6. If you want to be really decadent, serve with a side of ice cream and chocolate sauce! Just don’t tell anyone how easy these are to make.

Deep Frying Tips To Remember

  • Keep in mind that all of your equipment should be at least 2 times more than the height of the pot to ensure safety.
  • Use only cookware approved for deep-frying. This can be identified by a short charcoal-type handle on each side which would be perpendicular to the bottom of the pan or pot. The lid of any type of seafood or poultry fryer is also deep-fry safe.
  • Never fill your deep-fryer over half full with oil, and make sure there are no children around when you are using it. Keep an extinguisher nearby just in case something does go wrong.
  • Place a candy/deep-fry thermometer into your oil before turning on the heat. Again, make sure there are no children around. Oil can jump out of the pot onto your skin if it is too hot.
  • If you do not have a candy/deep-fry thermometer remove 1 or 2 kernels from the oil and put them into a spoon with an edge or corner to hold them in place. Remove the spoon from the oil carefully and gently squeeze one kernel at a time between your thumb and forefinger. If nothing happens when you squeeze, then the oil isn’t ready yet. Wait 5 minutes before testing again until all of your kernels explode off of the spoon into your mouth — this will be a sign that it’s ready for frying.

Enjoy deep fried Twinkies with Family

Now you can have deep fried Twinkies at home with Crumb’s Twinkies Mix. Just make the batter with a couple of minutes of stirring, drop your frozen Twinkies and start frying. Definitely, a snack you cannot control binge eating. buy Deep Fried oreos and Deep Fried Twinkies mix now for instant Fried Snacks


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